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The Power of Visuals

3 min read
May 4, 2021

As an advisor, a big part of your job is finding simple ways to explain complex topics, to help your clients understand what they need when it comes to wealth planning. They put their trust in you to use your knowledge and experience to help them and their families. Being able to clearly communicate without overwhelming them is crucial. 

Most advisors are very detail orientated making it hard for them not to get into the weeds with their clients. A lot of times, this will overwhelm the clients instead of helping them. A simple picture can help explain concepts clearly, giving clients a better understanding of their wealth planning needs. 

Have you ever been in an online meeting with a client and notice them drifting off or checking emails? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Finding ourselves over a year into the pandemic, advisors and clients are experiencing zoom fatigue. Online meetings have become the new normal and maintaining client engagement has become a struggle.  Studies have shown that visuals increase engagement by as much as 94%!* Using technology and sharing visual content will keep the meeting interesting while opening up the conversation to better engage your clients. 

As an advisor, you’re sometimes required to take on the role of teacher. Often you will be explaining wealth planning concepts to your clients that are second nature to you. Infographics and videos can help break down these concepts and make them easier for your clients to understand. 

Ultimately, your goal is to get your clients to act on your advice. If you know that it's in their best interest to have their will done, there's only so much you can do to motivate them to meet with their lawyer. A study done at Michigan State University found that the visual cortex both interprets images and has decision-making powers. By using visuals to explain the “why”, you can facilitate change in your clients’ lives today. 

If you aren’t already using visuals in your wealth management delivery, you should update your strategy. Keep track of the infographics and videos that resonate with your clients in order to better integrate them as part of your new client process and ongoing client meetings.

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Emily Reed
CEO and Co-Founder of HeyAdvisor
Emily is a former associate financial advisor with over 13 years experience in the financial industry. For over 8 years, she has also been working closely with advisors to help them create a more systematized business with a focus on attracting and retaining their ideal clients.

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