Deciding whether you need life insurance and the type of insurance is important, especially if you have dependents. This video will help you understand why people purchase life insurance and also outlines the difference between term and permanent insurance to ensure you purchase the best policy for you.
Do you understand why people purchase life insurance and the different available options? This video gives you an overview.
#financialadvisor #financialliteracy #insurance
One of the easiest things we can do as investors is to simply stay invested. This infographic shows you how over a 30 year period, as an investor, if you missed the best days in the market your returns would have been significantly lower. Unfortunately, it would be nearly impossible to predict when those best 50 days would be, so the only sure way to make sure you benefit from them is to keep your money invested and stick with the plan.
Over a 30 year period, if you missed the best days in the market your returns would have been significantly lower. Learn why it matters to stay invested.
#financialadvisor #financialliteracy #investing