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Client Service

Do You Have A Communication Strategy for 2021?

2 min read
January 12, 2021

As we start the new year, we reflect on the past year and set goals to further our success in 2021. As advisors across the country complete this process, a common theme emerges; How to communicate more effectively in a world where we can’t see each other face-to-face. 

The key to connecting with your clients is to use engaging content and proactive communication. Communication takes many forms: personal emails, web calls, text messages, mass emails, and social media posts just to name a few. Choosing the right format for you will  depend on how many clients you have, your branding strategy, and your target audience. 

HeyAdvisor works to help you engage with millennials, whether they’re your clients or even children of your clients, we will help you leverage your time targeting these clients in your communication plan. 

What are you currently doing or not doing in your communications with this client group?

  • Do you proactively communicate with your millennial clients? 
  • Do you know what their preferences are for communication and do you consider this when communicating with them? 
  • Are your communications meaningful and impactful?
  • How much time can you contribute to this client group?

For most advisors, clients in the 25-40 year-old range don’t make up the largest part of their book. However, this client group can still be profitable if approached systematically. You need to decide how much time you can dedicate to this client group. 

Here are  a few ways you can leverage HeyAdvisor to save time & better engage your clients: :

  • Communicate through social media posts - Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram are all great ways to reach this client group with a minimal time commitment.
  • Save time by using already created content that compliments your brand and key principles - don’t spend your time reinventing the wheel
  • Delegate the communication execution - use  an app like HootSuite or Buffer or have a member of your team oversee the plan and make sure things are staying on track 

Taking a step back and designing a communication plan will help start your new  year off right.  You need to be  intentional and impactful to effectively reach the next generation of clients.

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HeyAdvisor is a digital content library that financial advisors leverage to connect with their clients. The highly engaging educational library of videos and infographics is white-labelled with advisor branding and can be integrated into email marketing campaigns, websites, client portals and social media. The intuitive library is grouped by life events making it easy to add value to the client relationship at times in their lives that matter most. Review our plans here.

Emily Reed
CEO and Co-Founder of HeyAdvisor
Emily is a former associate financial advisor with over 13 years experience in the financial industry. For over 8 years, she has also been working closely with advisors to help them create a more systematized business with a focus on attracting and retaining their ideal clients.

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